
Fried Spaghetti

So we still don’t have a reliable fridge, which precludes us from stocking up on a lot of proteins. We’ve been eating a lot of eggs.

fried spaghetti with fried egg

But who am I kidding? We always eat a lot of eggs.

Tonight was a long, rough day. I pushed the kids too far, first thinking I was supermom but then realizing that my plan soured and C wouldn’t be napping today. So I wanted dinner to be something I could prep ahead of time when C was in a good mood and throw together at dinnertime when C was feeling the day.

I’ve been thinking about fried pasta lately, after reheating some pasta in a little olive oil for C’s lunch. So today I boiled some spaghetti and sauteed some turnips with their greens. Tonight I threw in some green garlic and fried the spaghetti with the turnip mixture as I would fried rice. Topped with sunny side up eggs.

Next time I think a shorter pasta would work better. It was hard to get a good crunch on the noodles, but maybe that’s because I boiled them today instead of using leftover.

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